Friday, June 1, 2007

5 Things I Would Have Done The Same, Cont.

3.) I would have bought the same apartment.

Alhamdulillah, this is one thing that Allah really made easy for us. I know that the rent is pretty high but it definitely has been worth it. Alhamdulillah the apartment has really become (oh boy I am about to use a really horrific cliche) "home away from home"; whenever we go travelling to the pyramids or the museum and stuff we always have a huge sense of relief when we arrive home. It has a vibrant vitality to it. Alhamdulillah. I haven't seen a nicer apartment than ours in our entire trip. Having a place where we felt comfortable helped a lot with helping us to keep fresh and rested.

4.) I would not take any roommates.

I know that a lot of people really enjoyed having roommates, like Arif bhai and Atiq bhai. They said their stay in Egypt was more exciting when their friends were still with them. I also think that if I had a roommate who was better at Arabic than me, it would have helped me to improve my conversation skills (which I think still remains my weakest area).

But on the other hand, knowing myself, I probably would have despaired of ever being able to reach the same level as my roommate. It also would have been hard to adjust to another person's schedule, ideas, and suluk. The advantage with Mustafa and me (other than that I can boss him around :) ) is that we both can read each other really well and we know when to back off and give a guy his space.

5.) ....

I can't think of anything right now. Those were the most important things, I guess. In all, the trip I think was successful alhamulillah. The only thing is that it might have been good to stay a little longer, but I don't think i would be able to handle staying away from Ammi and Abu any longer.

Well, insha'allah Abu is coming tomorrow night. I pray he get's here safely with no problems.

Marhaban bikum fi misr!



KF said...

I'm waiting for another update

Umar said...

As am I. :(