Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Something Less Than Spiritual

Manchester United to Win Premiership and Champions League!

Abu, I am also supporting your favourite player to score...Cristiano Ronaldo. He has seriously improved this season.


Unknown said...

yuck. i have a very intense dislike of christiano ronaldo. he seems a very arrogant fellow.

Ameer and Mustafa said...

He is...but which top level soccer player isn't? I really liked Ronaldo's pace this season and the fact that he converted all his deking and tricks into goals and passes.

On the other hand, after seeing Kaka against Manchester United last night, you have to hand it to a player who isn't nearly so fancy but is more in tune with the game.

And in the end, soccer players are small kids who put balls in the back of the net.

Anonymous said...

that was an interesting description