Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Assalam u alaikum,

Insha'allah I am going to pay my landlord today. Like you said, Ammi, it's better if I pay a few days before than wait for him to tell me. So I am meeting him insha'allah at nine o'clock at our apartment to give him the rent insha'allah.

I've been learning a lot of interesting Arabic proverbs and expressions in this new volume of Kitab-ul-Assissi. Here's the ones that I remember, the nearest I can translate it in English:

"Time is like gold. "

"The customer is always on the truth." i.e. is always right.

"Whoever lives, will see. " (said whenever you see something kind of strange or something like that).

"Learning in childhood is like carving in stone, but learning in old age is like carving in water."

I think this one is from Imam Ali (RA), but I am not sure:

"Work for your dunya as if you will live forever, and work for your akhira as if you will die tomorrow."

And I think this one is a hadith but again, I am not sure so don't quote me:

"Whoever is working for the needs of his brother (fi haajah akhih), Allah will work for his needs on the Day of Judgement."

My teacher and I had a huge laugh when he tried to translate these sayings into aamiya. You have to hear it to believe it.

All right talk to you all soon.



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