Thursday, April 12, 2007


Assalam u alaikum,

I've finally discovered the secret reason behind the arrogance and pride of mankind.

They don't clean washrooms.

I guess you all won't want the detail.s

Alhamdulillah everything is going well. I'm writing on Thursday night in the Siraj Mall internet cafe. I don't like this cafe as much as the other one, because the other internet cafe run by Ammo Hazim and Co. is always full of Pakistani students wearing topis and jubbas and laughing their heads off as they play Fifa-Pro on xBox. However, the only advantage here is that the connection here is a lot faster. Otherwise Siraj Mall is a really weird, exotic, and undesirable place to be in. Mustafa and I realized that the reason why it is so big is because it is actually three or four buildings connected together. It's even worse than West Edmonton, actually, never mind, nothing is worse than West Ed.

Why is it that the only thing famous in Edmonton is a giant mall? The only thing you have to lose is your chains! Proletarians, unite!

The weather here in spring is really strange. Sometimes it gets really windy, the sand blowing across the streets and turning the sky gray. You almost feel sometimes like you're on another problem. But then it rains..."mercy like the rain" (I haven't seen the nasheed video but I love the title). It drizzles lightly and I bare my shoulder, remembering how Prophet (SA) used to bare his shoulder because the drop were recently with Allah. What a beautiful thought.

I have to take some pictures of Cairo as I go to my class in the morning. Cairo is definitely at its best in the morning. All the little children are on their way to school, the boys sleeping in the car, while the little girls smile with pearly white teeth. Insha'allah I will take some pictures and post them.

Today I was thinking about coming back to Edmonton and began to shudder piteously. The thought of Khala Su'ad of first testing my Arabic, then talking to me only in Arabic and giving me more Arabic poems to memorize is enough to make anyone scared. (I'm just joking, of course. I'm looking forward to coming back and talking to people in Arabic, Ammo Rafiq in particular).

Keep those duas rolling boys.




Anonymous said...

Assallam Aillikum Ameer and mustafa

How are you doing. we all miss you very much. This is from my new computer Dimension 9200 from Dell.

InshaAllah will see you fairly soon.



Anonymous said...

"It drizzles lightly and I bare my shoulder, remembering how Prophet (SA) used to bare his shoulder because the drop were recently with Allah. What a beautiful thought."

Wow, jazak Allahu khairan. that was really beautiful. Would you happen to know a reference for the hadith? I would really like to see the text for that. Or if not, maybe one of your teachers might know? Jazak Allahu khairan!