Tuesday, April 17, 2007




Mustafa here. And to get things straight from the start, I am not the one who wrote the "Love" post.

I'm not brave enough.

I value my neck.

Anyhow, I decided today was a great time to submit a List of To Do Things when I get back to Edmonton, and a list of job possibilites. We'll start with the less pressing topic to get my writing fingers warmed up.

In the modern day world, young Muslims are being forced to re-examine the possible job opportunities out there (Doctor, Engineer, Taxi Driver, and every so often the lone corrupt politician.) To help the cause, I decided to make my own list after much hard thought, to save others the trouble- to find an occupation that will cause personal self fulfilment, a 7 digit salary, something that will help the Muslim ummah, and doesn't require to much work.

1. Business Conglomerate.

Seriously, we need more people like this. Imagine, if you will, a team of Uncle Syed Hasan's. Now that is something to seriously be afraid of. Twelve more guys like him, and the Edmonton Muslim community will be something to reckon with. We might even be able to employ someone to clean the masjid washrooms full time!

2. The Arts (AAAAAAAH!!!!)
If there are any people still left reading, please proceed to job number 3.

3. Mad Scientist

If we could get a mad scientist, the Muslim community would get a lot more positive coverage. Instead of constantly telling people that our religion advocates peace, we could say that our religion advocates progress. We'll put up a big sign outside the masjid "The Muslims Are on The Move!"

4. Bounty Hunter

5. Soccer Player

Muslims need more soccer players. I mean, that would take our shebab who sit and laze around all day, and convert them into mindless minions who enthrall millions by putting balls into nets. That reminds me- on my "To Do List"- I better advocate for Al- Ikhwan Youth to change their name to Al- Ahly. This would accomplish two strokes in one go ; erase negative publicity for the Ikhwan and 2. Get more Egyptians on the team.

6. Car Maker

Someone needs to tell Toyota to pick up a few of the taxi driving engineers and get them to refit the Toyota Corolla. Thousands of dollars are wasted each year by Muslims customized their cars to fit the Muslim cause. If Toyota could just make a couple of changes, Muslims would start buying their cars even more (move from the 90% of the market to 95% of the market). Here are some changes which we Muslims want:
1. Large CD with Quran ayats hanging from the rear view mirror
2. Cut the GPS scanners. Instead, put in a Halwa cooker in the dashboard
3. A tea proof cup holder
4. Clocks set automatically to MST (Muslim Standard time)- 1 hour behind everyone else.

Well that's my list. Of course, Criminal Mastermind, Lyers, and Janitors still rank among the top, but I worry. Some people are already picking up on the job that really is going to spice up our community in the coming years.

Religion Toting Thobe Wearing Police.




Anonymous said...

I'm getting worried about you. Janitors deserve a bit more respect and not all lawyers lie. Maybe you have been indoctrinated more than I knew by the media. I thought that you were above it. Apparently not. They've got you by the throat, the mind and even worse...by the heart.

Try to remember.

Anonymous said...

You forgot "cut-throat" writer!

Anonymous said...

You are forgetting that you have a choice, unlike 90% of people in the world!

Anonymous said...

Exactly, which thobe wearing people have you encountered?

Anonymous said...

Certainly, I understand your cynicism about the types of attitudes that we might hear around us, but don't let that make you cynical to your own situation, which is really the only one you can "affect".

Besides, you and what you do - make this community that you keep talking about. And if this writing helps you contribute.. then so be it. Maybe it will change things.

Anonymous said...

Religious police make judgements on everything. HMMMMMM!

Anonymous said...

"Janitors deserve a bit more respect" (like Imam al-Ghazali, radiya'Llahu `anh :) )

speaking of whom, i've heard the imam once made du`a because so many Muslims were studying the Islamic sciences at the expense of natural sciences such as - yes - medicine. apparently his du`a was answered.

Anonymous said...

All comedy and satire require the use of exageration in order for the writing to achieve the desired effect. If I did not exagerrate and conform to standard media bias, it would be difficult to understand for everyone what I'm getting at: that we as a community need to expand our borders and really look at what we are inside rather than what we are on the outside (Doctor, Lawyer, ect). That was the reason I made the job choices so ridiculous.

Allah knows the reasons in the heart.


Unknown said...

i would say be a true muslim by seeing how you can best serve the Ummah ;)

Anonymous said...

"...by seeing how you can best serve the Ummah"

IT is implicitly included in been a true muslim