Monday, February 12, 2007

Day Before

Assalam u alaikum everyone,

We are sitting here at our computer on Monday, February 12, 2007. We're in the midst of getting ready to go to Egypt and things seem a little funny right now. I can't really think of anything so, listen to this:

Life is short, so we must move very slowly.
-Thai Proverb

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the day when you first had to go to gymnastics and you were so excited. You both got ready at 5:00 am when the class was at 11:00. You had your gym bag ready and were eating cheese to get strong and elastic (the cheese was pretty stringy). Then as we were leaving, what a scene you were as we sat in the car: hat, sunglasses, bright yellow t-shirts and canvas running shoes and Ameer...with no pants!

We were late for the class.