Monday, February 19, 2007

Damir and Other Persons


Today, alhamdullilah, was much better than yesterday. Saying that may be termed as relative, but for me the important thing is that there was an improvement. If everyday we can try harder and harder to be better and better, we will stay the same (Master Ho wisdom). If you put in your best, then you will improve. Inshallah, I am working towards putting in my best.

Ustadh Majid is my teacher, and a very interesting man. He is the classical teacher at the end of the road; eagle faced, who barely cracks a smile. In that way he reminds me of Sheikh Jihad; unsmiling to the point of severity. But when he smiles, he smiles with his whole face to show that he is actually happy.

In today's class, we went over the second lesson (Al Matar, the Airport), studied Damir (Ana, Nahnu, ect) and ended with learning Rakam (Numbers). Alhamdullilah




Anonymous said...

From Nanna

Abdullah and Khadija and Sauleha and your Mommy came this evening to have dinner with us. It was our pleasure to hear about you both.
may Allah make it easy for both of you to complete your work and return back soundly and safely with Iman back to Canada among us.
Wassallam Nanna.

Anonymous said...
